How to Keep Your Family Safe Under the Colorado Sun This Summer

Erik Carman
Published on June 11, 2023

How to Keep Your Family Safe Under the Colorado Sun This Summer

Colorado is one of the sunniest states around, and locals love it for this reason. While many of us look forward to the Colorado sun every summer, it is important to remember that Colorado residents are at an increased risk of sun-related diseases, including skin cancer

Follow these best practices to keep your family healthy and protected while you soak up the sun this season!

ThePixelman / Pixabay

Use Sunscreen Lotion (The Right Way)

Although many Colorado residents use sunscreen lotion (also known as sunblock) every day, you may be surprised to learn you aren’t using it correctly. Sunblock should be applied thirty minutes before going out into the sun, and it is very important to rub it completely into the skin–including those hard-to-reach areas. You should apply sunscreen lotion every two hours when you are outside in the sun, and you should never mix it with other lotions or moisturizers. Sunscreen lotions can also be more effective than spray-on sunblock, so choose wisely. 

Pexels / Pixabay

Know Sun Risks When Playing in the Water

Fishing, swimming, and other water sports are very popular in Colorado, but water brings additional risks. When you are out on the water, it is important to wear high-SPF sunscreen lotion and glasses to protect your skin and eyes from the sun and its reflection. When you are in the water, it is best to reapply sunblock every hour or so to maintain effectiveness–even if your sunscreen lotion is resistant to water!

GSquare / Pixabay

Focus on Hydration

The sun makes us all want to get outside, but it can also come with some pretty serious risks if you aren’t careful. Being out in the Colorado sun makes it much easier to experience dehydration, particularly for children and the elderly.

As you celebrate summer and spend time outside, be sure to keep everyone hydrated. Typical water is always best, but it can be highly beneficial to choose drinks with electrolytes to restore essential minerals as well. Dehydration can start to set in after only a couple of hours out in the sun!

sasint / Pixabay

Embrace the Shade

Let’s face it–the sun feels great on your skin. There are few things better than soaking up the sun, but it is still important to have limits. Spending time in the shade can help you to cool off, relax, and give your skin and eyes a break too. Taking small breaks in the shade can help with some of the negative side effects that often come with exposure to the sun.

Barni1 / Pixabay

Learn how to Treat a Sunburn

Even when you do everything right, it is still entirely possible to get a sunburn. This uncomfortable skin condition can seem like an inconvenience, but sunburns can actually be very serious. You can treat most sunburns at home using approved products, like aloe vera and pain medication. Staying hydrated is also very important for your healing process. 

If you suspect your sunburn is more serious, it may be a good idea to visit the doctor in case additional care is needed. 

RoadLight / Pixabay

Be Aware of the Signs of Heatstroke

Your potential for experiencing heatstroke is much higher on hot, sunny days. Knowing the signs of heatstroke for humans and pets can save lives during the summer months. Stay up to date by following CDC guidelines on how to recognize and respond to heatstroke. For pets, you can follow the VCA guidelines on this condition. 

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